Oatbran’s Back

Good morning!

I’m sad the long weekend is over :(  We finally had nice weather, and it was just so much fun to spend time outside with Maggie and hang out with friends!


No chocolate covered coffee beans on my oatmeal this morning, but dark chocolate chips are just as good :)


And oatbran is back! I keep forgetting that I have it in the cabinet.

  • 1/3 cup oatbran, 1 cup water, pinch salt
  • 1/2 banana, sliced
  • cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp crunchy pb
  • 1 Tbsp dark chocolate chips


Maggie has been so well behaved this morning! And she pretty much crashed last night once she ate dinner and had a bath – she slept on the couch right beside us last night :)

My throat is still hurting this morning, too. It doesn’t seem worse than yesterday, but it’s not much better.

Off to work!


Are you a crunchy or smooth person?

I’ll eat either, but we usually buy the SUPER chunky pb and crunchy almond butter.


Dog Day

Today was fun!


Nick, me, Ross, and Jen and our dogs (Maggie, Rosie, and Jackson) went to the Falls Ridge Nature Preserve today to walk around and let the dogs meet each other.




They had so much fun walking around the place, plus, there’s a little waterfall and a short hike that we walked today.





Although the dogs got super muddy and they all jumped in the creek at different times, it was pretty fun to watch them play and run around.


We were there for a little over an hour – it was a fun way to spend the afternoon.

On the way home from the preserve, I snacked on my first Amazing Grass peanut butter bar.


I’ve tried the regular chocolate ones (and love them) and this peanut butter was just as good! It had a great peanut butter flavor – not the fake pb flavor in a lot of bars. I’m sad I only have one more of these!

Once we got settled back in at home and finished giving Maggie a bath, I got started on dinner.




This was the perfect dinner for tonight. The weather turned chilly again once it got dark, so I wanted something warm and comforting for dinner.

I used almost all the baked beans we had with lunch yesterday in the chili. I knew we’d never eat all of them on their own, so I added all but about a cup to the chili mix.

What a great idea! They already had so much flavor from cooking together and sitting in the fridge overnight, so it really tasted like the chili had been cooking for hours.


And nothing beats a big bowl of chili with red onion, avocado, and some tortilla chips :)


15 minutes until How I Met Your Mother!!!

And one more load of laundry to fold…then I’m done for the night.


What’s your favorite chili topping?

Quick Lunch + Winner!

Nick and I are going to be outside for most of the afternoon today, and I am psyched! It’s finally kind of nice here – in the low 50s and the sun is out! We’re taking advantage of our day off and are going to be playing outside with a few friends and their dogs.

For an easy lunch, Nick and I ran up to our favorite little sandwich place across the street.

I got my usual.


The “minnow” size on wheatberry bread with:

  • turkey
  • ham
  • lettuce
  • spinach
  • tomato
  • red onion
  • sundried tomato spread

Plus a few chips + water! My throat has been hurting pretty badly the past 2 morning when I woke up. I had a lot of hot tea last night, which seemed to help a bit, but I’m trying to not have any soda in case it makes it worse.

And now for the giveaway winner!!!

Congrats to…



Happy Blogiversary!! I’m a frequent reader/infrequent poster.

One book? Wow, that’s hard.

Here’s a few at the top of my list:

Home Safe, Elizabeth Berg (almost anything by her, actually.)

Water for Elephants; Sara Gruen

The Kite Runner, Kahled Hosseini

The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd

Congratulations SueP! Please send me your address and the winnings will be on their way :)


Off for a fun filled afternoon – I’ll definitely have pictures later!




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Day Off

Nick and I both have the day off today for MLK Jr’s Birthday, so we’re enjoying a lazy morning so far.

No alarm clock.

Breakfast in pajamas.

French press coffee.

Bacon and eggs.

And snuggling with Maggie :)


Nick made us some coffee, bacon, and eggs (with smoked paprika – yum), while I sliced up a cara cara orange for us to split.


Have you ever seen these oranges? I found them a few months ago, but hadn’t seen them in the store until Saturday – they’re so good! They’re pink inside like a grapefruit, but they just taste like the best orange you’ve ever had.


Right now, we’re all just hanging out on the couch, watching the news, and digesting :)

No real plans except for a puppy play date this afternoon! We’ll be going out later today with Ross and Jen and their dogs, Rosie and Jackson, for some fun outside time.

Maggie is going to have a blast – and the weather should be pretty nice today, so we’ll have fun getting out of the house.


*Last chance to enter the giveaway! Winner will be announced around lunchtime :)


Best part of your weekend?

Mine had to be:

  • Glen Alton Farm with Nick and Maggie
  • Dinner last night with friends, good food, and awesome live/local music
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