Monday Morning Begging

Well, my bread did not turn out well.

It smelled amazing. It tasted great! The sour was there, and I think my starter is doing well.

But I didn’t let it rise long enough and it just did not look like a good loaf of bread. I’m glad it tasted so good, though! The next loaf will be much better :)

Nick made coffee to go along with our blondie desserts last night, and even though I only had a half mug, I could not go to sleep last night!

I’m pretty tired this morning and will be making some coffee in just a few minutes.


I just wanted a simple bowl of oats for breakfast and I had one banana that was at the perfect ripeness.


  • 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water, pinch salt
  • cinnamon
  • 1 small banana, sliced
  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter


Sometimes the best bowls are the simplest.

Now I’ve got a rowdy puppy begging to play for a few minutes before I start work :)


Last chance to win some soup! I’m picking a winner at lunchtime.


Best part of your weekend?

Busy Baker

Today is flying by!

Nick and I had an awesome breakfast this morning. We had some onions, peppers, and ham that we needed to use so I got the expert to make us some omelets :)


Seriously – doesn’t it look perfect? I don’t know how he does it, but he just makes the best omelets!


We also had some clementines, sourdough biscuits, and coffee for breakfast and everything was delicious.

After church today, we came home and ate quick lunches after giving Maggie a bath.


I made a big salad – just what I wanted.

  • romaine
  • carrots
  • corn
  • avocado
  • 2 spoonfuls of refried beans
  • black bean burger
  • salsa verde + red salsa


We cleaned up from lunch and got working in the house. We’re having some friends over tonight for dinner, basketball watching, and just so they can meet Maggie :)

I dusted and cleaned the bathroom while waiting on my sourdough to rise. I’m trying my first ever loaf of bread – it’s in the oven as I type! It smells good, but since this is my first time, I’m not totally sure of how it will turn out.

I’m also planning on making that other box of Barefoot Contessa blondies for a dessert tonight ;)  Can’t wait for those!

I’ve got laundry going, the bread in the oven and a pasta dish to make once they get here.

I hope to have a good bread report later!


Pizza Pizza

We had a productive day today!

The dog pen we went to look at was the perfect size for Maggie, so we went ahead and bought it and brought it home. We also stopped in for a quick lunch at a little hot dog stand we saw on the road – they were pretty good, but nothing like the hot dogs in Nags Head that I love from Cap’n Franks. I had 1 hot dog with some pinto beans and a soda on our way to Gander Mountain.

We walked around that store for like an hour! I found a bag + shoes I want for our trip in February, but didn’t really want to spend the money. I think I’m going to check for them online again if I can’t find anything else that’s a little cheaper.

The worst thing about today was the weather. It was actually pretty nice around Roanoke (near 40, blue skies), but as soon as we got home, it was 24 degrees, snowing, and windy.

Regardless, Nick and I took Maggie on a walk around the neighborhood in the cold once we got home so we could burn off a little of her energy and just get out of the house for a bit.

I couldn’t feel my toes or legs when we got back, but it did feel nice to be outside :)

We had 3 choices for dinner and we ended up picking pizza. It was the quickest and easiest!


I got Nick the Kroger frozen pizza he loves and bought a Kashi Thin Crust Mushroom and Spinach for me.


I had half the pizza tonight, along with a salad.


Now Nick and I both have some leftover pizza for lunch!

I’ve got laundry in the dryer, and Maggie is chewing on a toy in Nick’s lap.

The only left to do tonight?


A Rosewater Truffle + Orange Oil Truffle – the orange one is amazing!

Nite – I’ve got a puppy to play with :)


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Bacon + Biscuits

Operation Sourdough Biscuits was a success!


Last night, I made the “sponge” which was just the started I’d been feeding all week plus 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of warm water. I let that sit in a bowl on the counter all night, covered.

While I made the biscuits this morning, Nick made some bacon gravy to have with them.


I love weekend breakfasts :) We can take all the time we want, stay in pajamas until 11 am, and just relax with our coffee.



We also had clementines and some coffee that Nick ground in his new fancy grinder. It was delicious!


The biscuits are so chewy! They’re very different than the normal butter-or-crisco-in-the-dough biscuits; they’re not very flaky, but they still have a great texture.

The strangest thing about making these biscuits compared to normal recipes is that there is no fat in the dough itself – no butter, no crisco.

But…after you cut out the biscuits you dip each one in warmed bacon fat before baking.


Yum. I think this is a great way to kickoff the weekend  :)


We’re going to look at a chain link dog pen for Maggie in a few hours – so I’ve got to milk this relaxing morning for all its worth!