
As soon as I finished blogging last night, my stomach started hurting so bad – I don’t know what it was, but I was miserable last night.

I ended up jumping in the bath to read for a while to see if it would make me feel better.


I did get to use some of my new EO Rose and Chamomile Bubble Bath that I got at the Foodbuzz Festival. The scent alone relaxed me a bit while I was soaking + reading, but it didn’t help my stomach.

I ended up laying on the couch, in the fetal position, until I went to bed. I hate when something like that happens and I have no idea why! I didn’t eat anything strange or out of the ordinary, so I don’t know where it came from.

Thankfully, I woke up feeling better.

I did not wake up on time, but I’m at least walking and feeling more like myself.


I did make time for breakfast!

I had to try pumpkin + POM.


  • 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water, pinch salt
  • 1/2 small banana, sliced
  • 1/4 heaping cup pumpkin
  • 1 Tbsp almond butter
  • 1/2 Tbsp each pom arils and dark chocolate chips


I love the little crunch of the pom arils with the creamy almond butter. I’m pretty sure you could pomegranate with anything and it would just make it better.

It’s like the perfect fall breakfast!


Do you have any home remedies when you don’t feel well?

Stayin’ Up

I think all that butter in the scone kept me full this afternoon ;) I never got hungry for my snack!

Of course, we ended up going to pick up our car from the shop after work, so by the time we got home, I was ready for some food.


I hate that it’s completely dark at 6:30 at night  :(  But at least dinner was waiting on us when we got home.

I heated up the leftover chicken parmesan and had mine over some Israeli couscous with some extra sauce and peas.


And I think I’ve figured out how to stay awake until I’m ready to turn in.

Stay upright – easy, huh?  :)

Once I blog and sit on the couch for a bit, I always end up laying down which means I’m asleep in no time.

But tonight, I wanted to make sure I made my new recipe for us for lunch tomorrow so I waited to blog until now.

I got more done than I planned!

  • Lunch recipe made for tomorrow
  • Pineapple cut and in the fridge
  • Celery cut and in the fridge
  • Lunch somewhat packed
  • Pajamas on  :)

Now all that’s left is eating this dark chocolate with hazelnuts, maybe making some tea and reading for a bit.


Not a bad ending to a “meh” kind of day.


How do you get everything done during the week? Do you have certain schedules or plans for doing it all?

Spoiled Plans

I had grand plans last night to make a new recipe just for our lunches this week.

What did I do instead?

Watched How I Met Your Mother on the couch with Nick and fell asleep until a phone call from my mom and sister woke me up at 9 pm.

How old am I? I can’t even stay awake past 9 if I’m on the couch.

At least the phone call got me up long enough to pull something together for lunch today, even if it wasn’t my original plan.

I scraped that huge tub of Sabra to get the last of our hummus out for a wrap today:


Sabra, avocado, thinly shaved carrot, and romaine.

Plus some pretzels I won in a giveaway – this was my first time trying this brand.


Um…gross. They didn’t taste like pretzels, and there was no salt at all! I ate one and threw the bag away. I really wanted to like them, because I was in the mood for pretzels, but these were just not good. :(

At least my clementine was sweet.


Nick and I to run a few errands at lunch, so I picked up a treat to finish off my lunch on a good note.


Cherry Cinnamon Scone – yum.


I do plan on making that recipe tonight so we can have it tomorrow!!! It’s on my list of things to do today…let’s hope I don’t fall asleep at 7 or something ridiculous.

What time do you go to bed?

And do you have to make lists every day? I do. I write down everything I need to do that day just so I can cross stuff off…unless I sleep through them. Oops!


Four Corners

I could not decide on my oatmeal toppings today! There are so many choices and I couldn’t pick just 2…so I just tried to pick ones that would taste good together.



In these corners, we have chopped raw almonds and unsweetened coconut.


and these two have almond butter and POM arils!


This turned out to  be the best combination – sweet, tart, crunchy, creamy.


Another reason to love pomegranates – they make everything beautiful! Like little jewels on your food.


We’ve got to leave early today to drop our car off to have some work done – not the most fun thing to do, but at least I get to listen to more of our favorite morning radio show!