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Slow Poke

Slow Poke

...  felt great to get out there this morning and run along the river. I was extremely slow, but it felt good and I didn’t get any ...  plans: Soak/cook garbanzo beans for meals/lunches New...

Drying Out

Drying Out

...  to Glen Alton for walk outside and then had burgers at the New River Grille before coming home to watch The Office. I made a new banana bread ...

Perfect Ratio

Perfect Ratio

...  to have dinner at one of our favorite local places, The New River Grille. I got my usual – the buffalo burger and onion rings. I had ...

Opposites = Balance

Opposites = Balance

...  seeing every comment come in today, and I have tons of new books to read! Plus, some of the comments reminded me of books I have read ...  to be leftovers, but once Nick suggested  the New River Grille, I...

Sunday Supper

Sunday Supper

...  on coming home, but ended up at our local place, the New River Grille, today. And since we were originally coming home, I didn’t have ...

Oldies and Goodies

Oldies and Goodies

...  over to an AdvanceAuto parts store so they could buy a new battery for the van, and finally went to get some food. We went to our ...  fine. We took my parents to...

Against The Wind

Against The Wind

...  afternoon! Not even an hour after lunch, I broke into my new Larabar  :) Thanks again, Steph!!! I was so excited to try this ...  and wanted to go to our favorite local place, The New

Paddle, Jump, Swim, Eat

Paddle, Jump, Swim, Eat

...  clothes and helped get snacks and stuff together for the river trip today. Nick had cleaned the house up for me while I was gone getting ...  huh?  :) I am very thankful for him for that because I knew we were...

Playing Catch Up

Playing Catch Up

...  meal would be on my stomach, Nick asked me if I wanted New River Grille, so we went there for dinner. I didn't get my normal, but I did ...

Fried Friday

Fried Friday

Thank goodness the weekend is here! I felt like this week took forever to get through - every day just felt endless. At least the rain has cleared up a bit - it looks like we may have a pretty good weekend after all. I think...