Dead Batteries

So….I DO have pictures of lunch, but I’ll have to post them later.

1. I don’t have time to do it right now anyways, and

2. My camera batteries are currently dead. No worries – there are some charging at home  :)

See you for lunch recap and dinner post after BodyPUMP!

Pineapple Upside Down Oats

I took out a can of pineapple chunks in juice last night to remind myself of what I’m making for dinner tonight  :)

Of course, once I saw the can this morning, I knew I had to have some in my oats.


Yes, it’s pretty much dessert for breakfast, but this combination was SO good.

This bowl had:

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 cup water
  • pinch salt
  • cinnamon!
  • about 1 cup pineapple chunks
  • 2 Tbsp total of almonds and walnuts
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp unsweetened coconut
  • cherry on top!


Look how that brown sugar is melting into the oatmeal!!!

This was SO good!  It will definitely be on rotation now when I have pineapple!

Alright – I’m off to have some coffee and get crackin’ – see you after lunch!

Italian Feast Continued!

I am so glad the work day is over!! and The Office comes on tonight!! and tomorrow is Friday and I get to wear jeans to work!!   :) 



Today went by soooooo slow…I was just waiting for the work day to end. 


Nick and I went to the gym after work to go running, and we didn’t have to wait for treadmills today!  I was pretty excited about that. I’m hoping the gym stays this way – it’s been so crowded the past few weeks with all the “new year’s resolutioners” and the students coming back in to town. 

We ran for about 30 minutes and then headed home.



What was for dinner? It DID include more meatballs, but in a different format tonight  :)   I didn’t want pasta again, and I figured you wouldn’t want to see the same picture again!



I bought these new buns I found at the health food store and decided to try them tonight.





If you can see the label, these are only 76 calories for 1 bun!  and it was a good size, too!  Plus, I can read every ingredient AND don’t have to google anything   :)  Right, Caitlin?


I really, really liked these. I bought them in the frozen section, so I just put two in the toaster oven for us tonight to thaw/toast them and put the rest back in the freezer for later. They have this great nutty flavor from the flax and a really good texture. They were perfect for the meal tonight, and only took a few minutes to completely thaw AND get toasty!




On the menu for tonight? Meatball Subs!




I had a piece of ff swiss toasted onto my bun, then layered on a few meatballs and some of the sauce. This. was. so. good.


Add on some of those steamer bag green and yellow wax beans, and you’ve got a quick meal!





I’m probably going to have some popcorn with olive oil and salt during The Office, so I’ll go ahead and post an older picture, just for the visual.

Editing to say I passed on the popcorn. I wasn’t that hungry after dinner, so I’m just having a cup of hot chocolate   :)  





Question for runners: Do you still get cramps (like in your side/rib cage/abdomen area)? I’ve only really been running for about a year, but I honestly get some type of cramp just about every time I run. It’s really frustating! 




Question for everyone! What are you most proud of?

Me:  Right now, I’ve been thinking of how proud I am that I am able to run.  Even when I have bad days, it’s better than before I started running. This time last year, I couldn’t run more than 2 minutes at a time. I know that every time I run, I am getting stronger – and that is an awesome feeling.

Savory Oats, Bland Lunch

Yay!  I have a few minutes left of my lunch break to blog today!!!

Breakfast today wasn’t what I planned, but it turned out well.  I’ve been seeing people make savory oats for a while, but I hadn’t tried it yet. I wanted eggs and grits –  but somehow I only had about 1 spoonful of dry grits left!

So, instead of making sweet oatmeal as usual, I tried my hand at Savory Oatmeal.

Before breaking my poached eggs (poaching courtesy of Nick this morning – and they were perfect!):


and after breaking.


Mmmm….I love the runny yolks.

For my savory oats, I used:

*1/3 cup multigrain hot cereal

* 2/3 cup water

* pinch salt

* 2 poached eggs

* ff swiss cheese stirred into cereal

Of course, the obligatory fruit


and a cup of milk.


If you’re wondering, yes I usually use the same cups in the morning. Usually always one of our Hokie cups – for some reason, I don’t like using our glasses very often. I don’t know why? I just always use these plastic Hokie cups from the football games.

Plus an unpictured cup of coffee at work – it looked the same as yesterday!  Same mug and everything.

Lunch today wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great. I’m trying to use up leftovers – it was just a little bland, but I guess I wasn’t thinking very clearly when I woke up this morning and packed my lunch. I should have added some more seasonings or something.

Some leftover roasted chicken over bulgur:


peas, for a green


And, of course….clementines. Which I won’t put up today since they’re pictured every day!

Gotta get back to work, but I’m planning on this snack this afternoon to fuel me through running after work:

Dried Hawaiian snack mix of raisins, banana chips, papaya, coconut, dates!, and 1 Tbsp raw cashews.


Check out that big hunk o’ coconut!

See you at dinner!  I’m excited for it  :)

Don’t forget to send in your submissions for the Blogger Secret Ingredient contest this week! Check out Sarah’s blog for more info!