Smooth and Spicy

SuperFood to the rescue!


Amazing Grass sent me some samples, and I needed a smoothie this afternoon. Plus, I just wanted to use my HealthMaster again ;)

Today’s mix:

  • almond milk
  • 1 packet Amazing Grass SuperFood
  • cocoa powder
  • ice


After Nick and I got back from the chiropractor, I got started on dinner and got to use a new spice mix I got from OpenSky to try out.


I received this Chef of the Future “Not Your Average Cajun Seasoning” and decided to add a little spice to dinner.


I’m definitely going to be making some fries soon with it – the seasoning mix is great! 


It made a really good addition to my brown rice + veggie mixture.

I cooked 2 cups of brown rice and added:

  • 2 bags of frozen veggies (onions, peppers, corn, celery, and okra)
  • Chef of the Future seasoning
  • a little extra garlic powder and salt
  • pinch of crushed red pepper on top


I love okra! I can’t wait to get some this summer from the market.


I’ve got breakfast prepped and just need to pack my lunch before getting back to my book tonight.




  1. That seasoning sounds like something I’d love! Sounds like you have a relaxing evening in store :)

  2. Okras one of my favorites, too. My mom gets grossed out everytime I eat it ’cause it “oozes” lol!

  3. Your dinner looks awesome! It’s so simple but such a great idea. I need to try just having plain rice and veggies the next time I don’t know what to do for dinner. :-)

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