Green Tea for Me

Good Morning  –  it’s FrIdAy!!!

I’m SO glad it’s almost the weekend.

And what better way to start a Friday than with an awesome bowl of oats?


This was the same mix I had on Wednesday:

  • 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water, pinch salt
  • 1/2 banana, sliced
  • 1/3-1/2 cup pumpkin
  • cinnamon!!!
  • 1 Tbsp sliced almonds
  • 1 Tbsp walnuts
  • 1 tsp butterscotch chips, 1 tsp mini chocolate chips

This little chip was ready for her close-up



I also had a cup of skim milk, as usual.

So, I usually have 1-2 cups of coffee at work. Not today! I always bring some skim milk from home to put in my coffee, but I ran out yesterday and forgot to bring more. I’m not a fan of black coffee unless it’s amazing (and ours usually isn’t) but I don’t like those powdered creamers, either.

So I dug out some tea that I have in my office. I actually found TONS of tea in my office! I guess I need to drink it more.


This tea is really good, and I’m feeling fine not having coffee – maybe more tea is in my future?

I also just ate (at 10:20) a hard boiled egg I brought. I’m glad I thought to toss it in my bag this morning – I’ve been super hungry this week, and today is apparently no exception.


Well, back to work – Nick and I are going out for lunch, but we don’t know where yet. We’ll see what happens  :)

Hope you’re having a good Friday!


  1. Hell yes for oatmeal in the morning – can’t start my day without it. Your oatmeal variety is SCREAMING decadence – loooove it!!

    Enjoy your lunch with Nick!!

  2. I need to start putting chocolate chips on my oat bran!

  3. you’ve inspired me…i’m totally going to get some butterscotch chips this weekend!

  4. Oh wow, I bet that oatmeal tasted delicious!

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